Thursday, January 22, 2015

YouTube Marketing for Small Business - Issue 11

If your first thought is, "Everyone is using YouTube," then this
photo credit: andymag via photopin cc
article is for you.  "An idiot's Guide to Using YouTube" states that 99% of businesses are NOT using YouTube.  It's always good to start riding the wave when you are the only one on it, long before it crashes into the shore. Most of us know that any action is better than no action.  The example I most often use is the one where a child is standing in the middle of a road, and hears his mother yell, "Car." If he does nothing, just looking at the car, he gets flattened where he stand.  If he runs left, right or backward, he at least has a chance.  Using YouTube is like that this same article suggests.  Don't let your ignorance or fear of making a video get in your way.  Just Do It.

Wishpond in it's article titled "12 Tips for Using YouTube" suggests that not only should you make a video, but you should include IN THE VIDEO and the description, a Call To Action.  Calls to action can be to subscribe to your channel, giving you access to them over and over again, calling your business or visiting your website or facebook page that will collect their contact information.  The go on to remind you to ALWAYS ANSWER COMMENTS.  Dialog is good for your video.  The old adage, good news, bad news; it does not matter.  They all bring attention to your Chanel.

Finally, there is the step by step flow chart found in "The Small Business Guide to YouTube."  This is s step by step guide bringing you from Getting a Youtube account to advanced marketing, simply by answering Yes or No questions.  I would start here.

One of our first YouTube ads that really helped was to a Social Event at our karate school.  We made it with AfterEffect from Adobe.  This is it.


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